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5:33 p.m.-2003-11-27

Guess where I had Thanksgiving dinner?

Nope. Try again.

Not even. Think harder.

Nope. Three guesses, and we do not have a winner!

I had Turkey Day dinner at Dennys. Yup. Dennys. I didn't even get turkey. I got chicken fried steak (it was on special).

Why did this sorry state of affairs come to pass? Well. Sort of like this. A week ago, the cabin-boy was one day out of the hospital.

"I'll have to go to the store tonight, and get some stuff for Thanksgiving."

"No, don't. I don't like you riding home late on the bus. We'll go Saturday," said the cabin-boy, with all the confidence in the world. "We're gonna go see a movie anyway."

Come Saturday, after the movie, "I'm not feeling so good. We'll go tomorrow."

Come Sunday, after a meal out, "I'm really tired. Let's go Monday."

"I'll need time to thaw the turkey," I said.

"You'll have time," he reassured.

Come Tuesday, "I have to go tonight to get at least a turkey breast."

"Let's go out to dinner instead. You'll have to clean the kitchen, and there's no where to put leftovers. Let's eat out."

"Where?" said I, sort of warming to the idea that I wouldn't have to do dishes.

"I don't know. Anywhere."

"Um..." I said dubiously, "We'll need reservations."

"Naw. Not that many people eat Thanksgiving out in Seattle. We'll be fine. We'll go to the buffet."

"Okay," I said, and discovered that said buffet was serving from 11 am to 7 pm. Sounded like a good deal to me.

Come Wednesday, "Are you really sure you want to go out? If we get a little bird, it will be thawed out by tomorrow for late dinner."

"Naw, we'll go out. It'll be fun. We'll do it after we go see Haunted Mansion."

"Alright. If you're sure."

"I'm sure."

This morning, we went and saw Haunted Mansion. It was no Pirates of the Caribbean, but it /was/ funny and well done. Eye candy was gorgeous, and it will offend every one under the sun, I'm certain. Christians, African-Americans, the Disney haters, the Disney lovers, the Eddie Murphy fans who hate that he won't say **censored** in public anymore. But it was good. You should go see it.

At a hour to heading out to the buffet (we meant to get there early, so we wouldn't get caught in the crowd), the cabin-boy announces, "Let's go to Outback!"

I stared dubiously, but he obviously wanted to go, and gods know I love the place too. "Um. Alright. They don't open till 4 pm."

"That's fine. We'll call and get reservations for later tonight."

"Um," I said dubiously, thinking this was a poorly thought out plan, but hey, I just can't deny the cabin-boy much anyway.

So at 3pm, I called. Just to be sure. No answer. Well, maybe they weren't picking up till they opened at 4pm. So we got dressed, and headed out at 4pm. The Outback is like 3 blocks from where we live, so we figured the line wouldn't be too bad.

We get there. It was dark. It was empty. For the first time in living memory of the place, they were CLOSED on Thanksgiving. They were open Thanksgiving, Christmas, AND New Years last year!

Aghast, we decided to go check out the buffet. No go there. It was PACKED. As in line out the door. Like...line at Disneyland long. My heart was sinking. At 4pm, there was NOTHING open. Not even a grochery store for me to get a turkey ham to roast.

We drove up 99 a little further, and found a Dennys. Where I had my first Thanksgiving that was not homecooked. Ever.

Really, it was kind of sad. I'm not mad or anything, because I was with the cabin-boy, and I have so much to be thankful for.

I'm thankful he's had so many surgeries, and his health is as good as it can be.

I'm thankful that I have a good paying job, and an apartment with decent rent.

I'm thankful that the bills are now under control.

I'm thankful for my health.

I'm thankful that at my age, I still have all four grandparents.

I'm thankful that I'm talking to my mom and dad again, after nearly 7 years of not talking to them.

I'm thankful for two kitties, who came to fill the void left by Axel's death.

I'm thankful that we had Axel, no matter how short a stay it was.

But next year, I'm cooking the damn turkey.

Gobble gobble,

The Captain

P.S. What do you think of this outfit? Too bad I'd look like a complete and utter POOFTA trying to wear it!

Before <--o--> After

The Captain's Mood: The current mood of capt-jim@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The Internet's Mood: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com (yeah, she's a bitch)
The Captain Recommends Dogcessorize
The Captain also recommeds you click below, and help him and the cabin-boy get to Disneyland! Donate, and get a knicknack when we get back!

2006-08-13 - Movie Review: Monster House

2006-08-07 - Movie Review: The Descent

2006-06-09 - Movie Review: The Omen

2006-06-03 - She's here, She's here!

2006-05-22 - Blame the Cabin-Boy for playing 50 questions.