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10:56 p.m.-2003-11-13

The following is an excerpt of an online chat between myself and the other half, whilst we discussed what we were going to do with the rest of the weekend. I felt it illustrative. Enjoy this edited (to protect the innocent and the guilt alike) snapshot of The Captain and the cabin-boy (who was watching the remake of Carrie), unplugged:

Capt-jim is in noooo hurry. I wann have fun/shit around...not stress over nuthin ;)

Cabin-boy says "I'm not sure what to suggest offhand tho."

Capt-jim laughs. Well, that's why I took some caffiene. So I'd BE up a while.

Capt-jim says "Other than a slightly sore back, I'm feeling pretty good right now."

Capt-jim nibbles on you, tho :)

Cabin-boy says "other than catching the rather drawn-out end of this thing.... I'm not sure what I feel like doing. :P"

Capt-jim grins. Watch yer movie. I'm okay with that.

Cabin-boy knows. it'll get over... how much more can she blow up? :P

Capt-jim cackles.

Cabin-boy smirks.

Capt-jim say "The entire eastern seaboard?"

Cabin-boy says "one wonders."

Capt-jim giggles.

Cabin-boy says "it can't be much longer now! :P she's blowing up everything. :P"

Capt-jim giggles.

Capt-jim says "You got 30 more minutes it looks like!"

Cabin-boy says "ugh, I could look at the TV schedule. duh me. hang on."

Capt-jim giggles.

Cabin-boy says "fer cryin' out loud, yer right. :P it is another 30 minutes... but once the blowing up part is done, I won't need to be glued to it either. :P"

Capt-jim cackles.




Cabin-boy nodnodnods

Capt-jim cackles ala Beavis.

Cabin-boy says "obviously, they're gunna do an end-peice or something. Cause she can NOT blow things up for another half hour. :P"

Capt-jim ums. If that was made by the SciFi channel, oh yes she can!

Capt-jim says "Nothin like a semi-hot chic in a blood soaked prom dress blowin shit up with her PMS."

Cabin-boy smirks. Okay, but it would lose it's impact.

Cabin-boy ha has. impact. get it?

Cabin-boy ducks

Cabin-boy says "oh, I see... they had the ones who DID it escape... so she's gunna be gunning for them. :P"

Yeah. We're kinda sad like that. Sitting on opposite ends of the house, chatting online with one another. But you know, it's how we met, upmteen zillion years ago. Anyhow, if we do anything fun, I'll be the first to tell you.

Later Taters,

The Captain

Dammit, you have to see this. Teets, I snorted soda all over my monitor. Thanks :P

Oh man...this Googling this is getting out of control. I got Googled for make up at Fred Meyers?

Before <--o--> After

The Captain's Mood: The current mood of capt-jim@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The Internet's Mood: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com (yeah, she's a bitch)
The Captain Recommends Dogcessorize
The Captain also recommeds you click below, and help him and the cabin-boy get to Disneyland! Donate, and get a knicknack when we get back!

2006-08-13 - Movie Review: Monster House

2006-08-07 - Movie Review: The Descent

2006-06-09 - Movie Review: The Omen

2006-06-03 - She's here, She's here!

2006-05-22 - Blame the Cabin-Boy for playing 50 questions.