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8:41 a.m.-2003-10-04

Roy, of the (in)famous Siegfried and Roy show was mauled by one of his own tigers last night. Well...erm. Hate to say it, but that's one of the dangers of working or living with animals...and before all the animal rights folks get their panties in a bunch...your CAT can maul you. Your PARROT can maul you. Your CHIHUAHUA can maul you...I know, I've gone to the emergency room for attacks from all three. But the poor tiger will probably pay the price for man wanting to be close to one of his only natural predators. Life isn't safe. Life can't be MADE safe. The folks who have taken all the 'dangerous' toys out of playgrounds, who have made sure every toy is unable to harm a child, who have ensured that there is no swimming at the local swimming hole, and if by some freak accident, someone is hurt by one of these things, some one is going to PAY, by god. Those people have given only fear. Life isn't about living anymore. Life is about being safe. Being secure. Being obedient little minnows who never leave the shallows. Is it safe to live with tigers? Any of you who live with housecats know the answer...if they weren't the size they are, we'd all be murdered in our sleep...or at least the first time we forgot to get catfood. Cats aren't domesticated. Cats don't work that way. Humans domesticate things that MUST live in groups. That wither away and die without companionship. Cats live with us because it amuses them. It's a beneficial, mutal thing. The cat finds living with us easier than hunting, but I've known plenty of perfectly well fed housecats that didn't mind supplimenting with a bird or a mouse or a lizard now and then. Oops, did I say that? I did. That's right. Your cats can't go out anymore, because they'll eat the birds. The poor, helpless baby birds who are so cute, who are being driven into extintion by our subdivisions and destruction of our natural environment, but who we can save if everyone just keeps their cats indoors! Personally, my cats don't go outdoors because I don't want them hit by a car. Or mutiliated by a bored teen with a mental illness. Life isn't safe. It can't be MADE safe. People who think it can are living with a mental illness of a sort, themselves. We've banished disease (more or less). We've ended starvation (sort of). We've conquered the dark (in a general sense). We're also raising generation on generation of children. Not little adults. Children. We're so caught up in the idea the children should have a CHILDHOOD we've forgotten to make them growup. So now we have generations of adult children, who are afraid of the dark. Disease. Monsters under the bed. They're afraid of dying. And they're afraid to live. The list of things you can't do is longer than the things you are /permitted/ to do. You need a permit to do everything in life anymore. Except make more children. Which I think is kind of weird. Look at all the bad parents out there. A woman went to jail recently, and didn't tell anyone that she had a toddler at home. The little one survived 19 days alone until her estranged father thought to go look for her. She did pretty well too. She made herself a bed out of her baby bathtub, and tucked herself in with a towel. Sure, she was dirty...but she was doing the best she could. People scream that the woman had a RIGHT to give birth to that child, too. It's no wonder the kids just younger than me are even bigger rebels than my generation were. Extreme sports? Because mom and dad didn't let them play on the monkey bars at school. Ecstacy at nightclubs? Because they couldn't have sugary snacks. Sex at fourteen? Well...no offence, but take a good long look at the videos featuring children under the age of concent, and most of them are just as sexual in nature as anything Madonna ever did. Some are worse. But no no, you can't live dangerously. You can't experiment with mind altering substances. You can't have sex (and god forbid, you might have kids having kids)... No. No. No. That would be dangerous. You're not adults. You're not mature enough to make those decisions. I don't know. Seems to me a lot of 'adults' that were 'adults' to me, weren't mature enough to make those decisions either. Eh. Got myself a good rant going today. Wish it would wrap itself up nicely and settle on the couch like a good boy, a prize dog to be trotted out every time someone came up with something assinine. Something so full of logic and unrefutable common sense to make folks wake up. If you're still with me, maybe at least you'll stop to think. Hell, maybe I'll reread this one day, and maybe I'll come to my senses...or maybe I'll just keep on with the same logic I had when I woke up this morning...and found out that Roy of Siegfried and Roy had been mauled by one of his own tigers. Life ain't safe. The Captain

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The Captain's Mood: The current mood of capt-jim@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The Internet's Mood: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com (yeah, she's a bitch)
The Captain Recommends Dogcessorize
The Captain also recommeds you click below, and help him and the cabin-boy get to Disneyland! Donate, and get a knicknack when we get back!

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