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10:41 p.m.-2005-01-09

Stolen from Golfwidow, which I found through peering at her bloody blog way too often:
According to the BBC, these are the 50 foods to eat before you die: (the idea is to cross out the one's that you've eaten)

Fresh fish - fresh is best - I've eaten fish so fresh the head was still gulping while we popped the fillets into the frier
Lobster - yes, but I feel horribly guilty over eating them; unlike octopus, which have only 3 years to live anyway
Steak - hell yes, did I mention I'm Texan?
Thai food - Mr Chopsticks, in college: gawd do I miss the place, fast, cheap, hotter than hades
Chinese food - Loved anything Chinese since childhood...you should ask the cabin-boy what I'll eat
Ice cream - wft?
Pizza - I like it with anchovies
Crab - not worth the effort it takes to get into one of these bugs
Curry - yum
Prawns - every way but raw
Moreton Bay Bugs - I thought these WERE prawns...but yes, I have...pricey buggers for third cousins to lobster
Clam chowder - yup, red and white
Barbecues - again, I'm from Texas... who at the BBC wrote this list, anyway?
Pancakes - considering every culture I can THINK of has pancake types...and I've eaten most of them, I think
Pasta - clever people, those Italians...grits are $0.99 a bowl in the South...$9.95 at a good restaurant
Mussels - mmmm...
Cheesecake - yup
Lamb - mmmm...I like it in curry
Cream tea - had this at a place that served high tea once...
Alligator - tastes like chicken, twice as expensive...why bother? (see reference to state of my birth)
Oysters - I prefer these quick-fried when fresh
Kangaroo - hey, I'm not picky, meat's meat
Chocolate - I prefer mine in hot liquid form, preferably from Mexico
Sandwiches - who hasn't?
Greek food - dolmathes, yum
Burgers - doesn't this fall under 'sandwiches'?
Mexican food - see reference to state of birth
Squid - I like mine sauteed/stirfried with some lemon grass and green onions in a very light sauce
American diner breakfast - see pancakes
Salmon - good god, I live in Seattle now...what do you think?
Venison - when I was young, we were poor...a pound of ground beef costs more than a couple rounds of buckshot
Guinea pig - where I come from, these are called 'coveys' and you don't keep em as pets *belch*
Shark - yes, but it was only so so
Sushi - hell yes
Paella - only once, so I'd like some more
Barramundi - I have no idea what this is, much less if I'd eat it...is it meat?
Reindeer - tastes like venison...what's the big deal?
Kebab - what variety? I like lamb...
Scallops - I like these lightly sauteed in a little butter with scallions
Australian meat pie - used to be this little place near us called Miyi...they had this too...it was okay
Durian fruit - I got a whiff, was too afraid to taste, to my eternal shame
Octopus - see squid
Ribs - see barbecue
Roast beef - I make a damn fine standing rib roast
Tapas - these are also good
Jerk chicken/pork - Mmmmm...no good places for it in Seattle that I've found
Haggis - there's a funny story about me and haggis...which I won't relate here
Caviar - mmmmm
Cornish pastry - how this made this list I have NO idea... Things that SHOULD have made this list, but did not: REAL maple candy, pecan pie, rum balls, Texas style hotlinks, baked potatoes, rabbit, squirrel, ostrich, fried chicken (how can they bloody miss fried chicken???), gumbo, couscous, risotto, falafel, cheese...CHEESE people! Where is the CHEESE?

Before <--o--> After

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