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11:25 p.m.-2005-09-01

I sit here...and I have nothing to say.

I stare at the news. I watch New Orleans descend into chaos.

We're supposedly the most powerful nation on earth. Proud. Rich. Arrogant. Blind.

We COULD have gotten everyone out. We could have gotten supplies. We could be getting people out now. But no. We're afraid. We're cowards. Our government doesn't have the BALLS to get in there and do what needs to be done. Why? Because there's no badguy to blame. No commie. No al-Quaida, no terrorist. Mother Nature did this, and we don't have the guts to get in there and do what needs to be done to save people.

In the name of the god of money, we would rather tell people to go to some place, and wait for the government to save them. But no one's coming. They're dying there. They're starving, they're dying of thirst, they're dying of the most basic of wounds.

We're talking the elderly. The babies.

Hypocrits. I'm ashamed of being an American anymore. More. I'm ashamed that I can only sit and watch...and gnash my teeth and wail for a city I once loved as a child...or turn away and not watch...just so I can sleep at night.

I cannot imagine. Worse. I can imagine...all these millionaires in our country, and nothing can be done. No one's really lifting a finger. No one's putting themselves out, who can really AFFORD to do so.

Our National Guard, who should be there, aren't. They're in Iraq.

Goddess, I'm rambling. And I don't know what to do, except feel RAGE...impotent rage. These are our people, and we're doing NOTHING...NOTHING.

Too busy 'stopping looters' to save the sick and dying.

Too busy worrying about property values to care about the people.

They're turning people away from the Astrodome.

They're turning people away everywhere. Roads are going nowhere, literally and figuratively.

Goddess...you want to talk about the wrath of the gods? I think we're seeing it...because of our hubris. Our arrogance. Our blindness.

I can't stop watching, and I can't watch. I can't turn away and if I don't, I'll just eat myself alive.

And what's sicker, is that a bigger outrage isn't being heard. They're watching...and staring. And being glad and comfy and worrying that gas prices will go up and hope that nothing that bad ever happens to THEM.

It's enough to make you wish for the end of the world, or at least, for the end of humanity...we certainly don't deserve everything we've taken as our 'god given rights'...

And if you think we do, prove it.

Before <--o--> After

The Captain's Mood: The current mood of capt-jim@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The Internet's Mood: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com (yeah, she's a bitch)
The Captain Recommends Dogcessorize
The Captain also recommeds you click below, and help him and the cabin-boy get to Disneyland! Donate, and get a knicknack when we get back!

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