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8:37 p.m.-2003-09-17

Today, my native insanity reared its ugly head. What? Didn't know the Captain was insane? Are you NUTS? I'm an Aquarius. Of course I'm a nutball. I'm an aquarius with a Gemini ascendant and a Libra moon...you can all gasp in terror and flee, because the Captain is also one of those weirdos who thinks astrology might hold some clues to life, the universe and everything. Hey...they just spent millions to determine how the position you sleep in is a clue to your personality type. Go figure...anyhow, I digress.

But today, maybe because it was so slow, or maybe because we were 3 people short, or maybe just because the lead tech and I either love each other or hate each other...I nearly lost my bloody mind.

See, it's like this. When you type in a prescription, the computer automatically assigns it a number. Then, when you're done filling the prescription, you neatly stack the paper slips into a numerically ordered pile, and when you get 100 of them, you rubber band them together, note their 'from and to' numbers on a sheet of paper that's attached, and file them for easy reference later. Sounds like such a simple, easy thing, right? Wrong.

The hangup comes when some doctor, against the advice of the FDA, DEA, and other government regulatory outfits, decides to write more than one prescription on a single blank. Okay, okay, so maybe the doctor is trying to conserve paper. Maybe the doctor is just lazy, and it would take too much damned effort to rip off a single measly sheet of paper, and write on a fresh one. What happens then, is that there's an all out race, to try and make sure that you get consecutive numbers for those prescriptions. If you don't, it makes filing the damned things harder than HELL.

Today, that's all I got. When someone showed up with a prescription blank, it invariably had 3 to 5 prescriptions on it...and also invariably, two people would show up at the exact same time, and start yammering about how late they were already, and they needed their scripts NOW or ELSE.

So...I couldn't do my usual trick, and wait until the lead tech was done typing to type up my own scripts. Oh no, because we were slow, the bossman kept breathing down my neck, looking for something to do. So I had to type...and I KEPT GETTING NUMBERS OUT OF ORDER.

This just fucks with my world. I'm sorry, I know it's purely in my head but it MESSES UP THE WHOLE PROCESS. Here I am, neat little script, with four neatly written prescriptions, and because my boss couldn't get off my ass for fifteen seconds to let the lead tech type hers up first, I have 238001, 238002, 238005, 238007 all on one sheet. And you know what, in three or four days, the boss will need to SEE something on one of those scripts, and demand to know, as he shreds open the neatly packaged booklet of filed scripts, why he can't find 238006, it should be right here..only its not, because he's looking at the same piece of paper that's ALSO labled with 1, 2, 5, and 7, instead of skipping past 3 and 4, to get to 6. Bleah. And it will be all my fault, too...ergh.

Okay...so it's not a major crisis for you, but it just really messes with my sense of reality and order. It's bothered me all danged day. Not that I wasn' a neurotic freak to begin with, but...that rubbed El Capitan the wrong way and now I've had a bad hair day because of it.

Now if only I were that neurotic about my housework or something.

Looking for his Prozac (generic name, fluoxetine)

The Captain

Before <--o--> After

kittens chasing each other up and down the cat tree
hickory roasted almonds
Two days to International Talk Like A Pirate Day!

The Captain's Mood: The current mood of capt-jim@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The Internet's Mood: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com (yeah, she's a bitch)
The Captain Recommends Dogcessorize
The Captain also recommeds you click below, and help him and the cabin-boy get to Disneyland! Donate, and get a knicknack when we get back!

2006-08-13 - Movie Review: Monster House

2006-08-07 - Movie Review: The Descent

2006-06-09 - Movie Review: The Omen

2006-06-03 - She's here, She's here!

2006-05-22 - Blame the Cabin-Boy for playing 50 questions.