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6:21 a.m.-2003-12-03

Hee. I have the cutest cabin-boy in the world. Yesterday, Pirates of the Caribbean came out on DVD. A local merchant chain was offering free Tshirts if you bought a copy, but only if you got there early.

We discussed getting up early and taking me to work to GET said DVD and Tshirt (I could use a new Tshirt...), but then I got hives and didn't feel like doing jack squat the next morning, much less going out to the all-in-one to pick up a DVD and chintzy Tshirt.

Yesterday was a bad day anyway, and by the time the cabin-boy came to get me, I hated the world and just wanted to go home, so no going to the store to see if maybe by some stroke of luck they had either DVD OR Tshirts left.

So when I got home last night, not quite hating the world anymore (I love the cabin-boy, I do), I started to get undressed (because I still HAD the hives, and working with hives in a pharmacy is enough to give you more) before I itched to death, I stopped short. The usual cover on my computer monitor wasn't on. I tried to remember putting a black Tshirt over the monitor instead of the proper cover. I couldn't. I also didn't remember leaving a DVD, still in its packaging, on TOP of the monitor. I mean, I'm messy, but that's just not my style.

(insert fangirl squeal here)

The cabin-boy, who has not been feeling good because he's been recouperating from yet another surgery (see back posts for details, or his posts, if you know where to look) had gotten up early (for him) and gone to the store all by his lonesome (neither of us like crowds, so going alone to the store is almost unheard of for either of us!) after I'd gone to work, to score said DVD AND Tshirt!

Well...I suppose he could've just saved the surprise for Yule, but MAN...I'm still warm and fuzzy the next morning. So there.

Neatly attired once more,

The Captain

P.S. I got Googled yesterday for that bloody Pinata movie. And I got Yahoo!ed for Texas Chainsaw Massacre, having apparently NOT noticed the first time I wrote about it, I stupidassed spelled it wrong anyway :P Go figure. CJ

Before <--o--> After

The Captain's Mood: The current mood of capt-jim@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The Internet's Mood: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com (yeah, she's a bitch)
The Captain Recommends Dogcessorize
The Captain also recommeds you click below, and help him and the cabin-boy get to Disneyland! Donate, and get a knicknack when we get back!

2006-08-13 - Movie Review: Monster House

2006-08-07 - Movie Review: The Descent

2006-06-09 - Movie Review: The Omen

2006-06-03 - She's here, She's here!

2006-05-22 - Blame the Cabin-Boy for playing 50 questions.