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6:40 a.m.-2004-03-15

Yeah, yeah, I know. I haven't been updating. It's just one of those cyclical things. I'll post compulsively for weeks straight, and then go dead silent.

Mostly, when I go silent, it's because I'm TOO. DAMN. STRESSED.

The sixth grade apeshit has started at work again. Which is a real pisser, because I love my job and I LOVE my boss. I hate my coworkers. I swear...I have never seen such bullshit since I was in the sixth grade. The whispering. The gossiping. The 'keeping track of what you do wrong'...but being blind to your own mistakes.

Folks, I'm human. I make mistakes. I'll even own up to them, if they're my mistakes. But I notice how many of the mistakes seem to have my name on them, when I never touched that particular prescription.

Yeah. I'm touchy about being told I screwed up someone's medicine. This is not a game, folks. There are no rehersals. If you can't get folks meds right, they could die. A lot. So I take my mistakes very very seriously. But funny, the more I check and double check and triple check my work, the more mistakes I seem to be making.

Nevermind it doesn't take a brain surgeon to go in, and alter the name of who worked on that particular script.

And it's pretty much not traceable.

In other news, we went and saw a movie again, finally. Between a dearth of movies between Christmas and spring, and financial tightness, and the fact that you can't drag me to a romantic comedy OR a drama of any sort, we didn't see a lot of movies.

Speaking of which, if there is some kind soul out there, who LIKES movies, who knows my other half, who LIVES near us...let us know if you'd be up to being a movie buddy. In this part of our relationship, I just fall flat ;)

Anyhow, we saw Secret Window. It was typical, if not classic, Stephen King stuff. There were no scary moments, really (it was only PG-13), there was some foul language. The suspense was nice, but it had some slowish moments...and hey, the ending was as predictable as a carnival ride.

But Johnny Depp played his part with aplomb. People don't give him NEAR enough credit for his character work. They really don't. It was just the movie itself that let him down. Ending was sort of dumb too, and as usual...there were too many nods to Stephen's other works...it was funny at first, but all this self-aggrandizing winks and pokes and 'in jokes' about other movies is just boring, old, trite, and kind of childish.

Anyhow, it's still a 'go see' movie, it's fun, and it's got a freaky old guy in it. Well. Whatever.

I think our next movie of choice will be Taking Lives...hope that's better than the commercials are making out. And I'm looking forward to the summer stuff...Dawn of the Dead, The Day After Tomorrow, Ella Enchanted (the book was cute, anyhow), and of course, the new Harry Potter.

I love the smell of popcorn in the afternoon.

The Captain

Before <--o--> After

Current Weight: 238.0lbs

Craving of the Moment? Life Cereal. Yum.

The Captain's Mood: The current mood of capt-jim@diaryland.com at www.imood.com
The Internet's Mood: The current mood of the Internet at www.imood.com (yeah, she's a bitch)
The Captain Recommends Dogcessorize
The Captain also recommeds you click below, and help him and the cabin-boy get to Disneyland! Donate, and get a knicknack when we get back!

2006-08-13 - Movie Review: Monster House

2006-08-07 - Movie Review: The Descent

2006-06-09 - Movie Review: The Omen

2006-06-03 - She's here, She's here!

2006-05-22 - Blame the Cabin-Boy for playing 50 questions.